A Simple Pie Chart Applet

 Draws a pie chart, given the numbers of students majoring in 
 sciences, social sciences and humanities.
import java.awt.*;
   import java.applet.Applet;
public class PieChart extends Applet
   public void paint(Graphics g) {
   int Sci, Soc, Hum, Total;	// # of students in each discipline and the total
   float PercSoc, PercSci, PercHum;	// The percentages
   int x = 150, y = 50, w = 100, h = 100;	// defines the size of the pie
   int startAngle, degrees;	// will be used to draw a pie slice
   // Set the # of students in each disipline
   Sci = 4;
   Soc = 13;
   Hum = 7;
   // Compute percentages
   Total = Sci + Soc + Hum;
   // %Sci
   PercSci = (Sci * 100.0f) / Total;
   // %Soc
   PercSoc = (Soc * 100.0f) / Total;
   // %Hum
   PercHum = (Hum * 100.0f) / Total;
   // Display/output results
   System.out.println("% Sci = " + PercSci);
   System.out.println("% Soc = " + PercSoc);
   System.out.println("% Hum = " + PercHum);
   // Display the Pie Chart
   // Draw the Pie for Sci
   startAngle = 0;
   degrees = (int)(PercSci * 360 / 100);
   g.fillArc(x, y, w, h, startAngle, degrees);
   // Draw the Pie for Soc
   startAngle = degrees;
   degrees = (int)(PercSoc * 360 / 100);
   g.fillArc(x, y, w, h, startAngle, degrees);
   // Draw the Pie for Hum
   startAngle = startAngle + degrees;
   degrees = (int)(PercHum * 360 / 100);
   g.fillArc(x+5, y+5, w, h, startAngle, degrees); // offset this slice a little
   } // paint
} // PieChart