October 27, 2003

Computing Prime Classes

The class of students entering college in 1999 and graduating in 2003 is a special class because both 1999 and 2003 are prime number. Between, 1900 and 2100, how many such classes exist?

Enter the two years in the applet below to find out.

	Applet that prints out "prime classes" between any two give years.
	What is a prime class?
		If both the entering and graduating years of a class are prime numbers
		then we have a prime class. For example, Class of 2003 entered in 1999. Both
		1999 and 2003 are prime classes.
	Credits: This problem was communicated to me via a student (class of 2003) who heard
			  Haverford President Tom Tritton describe it.
    You can use this applet to find out how many prime classes are there between 1900 and 2100

import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

public class PrimeClasses extends Applet implements ActionListener {

	// GUI Elements
	TextField firstNumber = new TextField(5);
	TextField secondNumber = new TextField(5);
	Button goButton = new Button("Go");
	// program variables
	int year1=0, year2=0;
	public void init() {
	} // init
	private boolean isPrime(int n) {
		// See if n is a prime number
		for (int divisor=2; divisor*divisor <= n; divisor++) {
			if (n % divisor == 0)
				return false;
		return true;
	} // isPrime
	public void paint(Graphics g) { 
		int lastPrime = 0, x = 20, y = 20;
		for (int year = year1; year <= year2; year++) {
			// See if year is a prime number
			if (isPrime(year)) {
				if (year - lastPrime == 4) {
					// we got a prime class, print it
					g.drawString(lastPrime + ", " + year, x, y);
					y = y + 15;
				lastPrime = year;
			} // if...
		} // for...
	} // paint
	public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e) {
		String cmd = e.getActionCommand();
		if (cmd.equals("Go")) {
			// deal with the action
			// read the start and end numbers
	} // actionperformed

	public void processInput() {
		String s;
		Integer i;
		// Get the text in Start Field
		s = firstNumber.getText();
		// Convert it to Integer object
		i = new Integer(s);
		// gets its int value
		year1 = i.intValue();
		// Get the text in End Field
		s = secondNumber.getText();
		// Convert it to Integer object
		i = new Integer(s);
		// gets its int value
		year2 = i.intValue();
	} // processInput
	private void makeGUI() {
		Label startLabel = new Label("Start :", Label.RIGHT);
		Label endLabel = new Label("End :", Label.RIGHT);
		Panel p1 = new Panel();
		Panel p2 = new Panel();
		Panel p3 = new Panel();
		Panel p11 = new Panel();
		Panel p21 = new Panel();
		Panel p = new Panel();
		// add the labels and textfields to the panels and applet
		p1.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 2));
		p11.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
		p2.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 2));
		p21.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
		p.setLayout(new GridLayout(3, 1));
		// add the panel to the applet
		this.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
		add(p, "South");
		// register listener(s), if any
	} // makeGUI
} // PrimeClasses

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