CS 110 Introduction to Computing
Fall 2003

Project#1 : Smiley/Sad Applet

Due in class on Wednesday, September 17, 2003

This project is designed to introduce you to the programming process: the laboratory/computer environment, and the Metrowerks CodeWarrior IDE for developing Java Applets.

First, read Chapters 1 and 2 from the lab manual (Getting Wired With java). Do this while sitting in front of the computer carrying out all of the steps.

After reading and working through the chapters in the lab manual, you will implement the following applet (Note: you will not be able to view the applet using Netscape on a MAC. See (2) below):


  1. In CodeWarrior, use the J2SE stationery (applet).
  2. Depending on the version installed on your computer, you may not be able to view your applets in Netscape/Mozilla due to compatibity issues. However, all current versions of Internet Explorer will work just fine. For all your CodeWarrior work continue to use the Applet Viewer.
  3. When you look at the program below, do not worry about the details of all the instructions. Remember, this project is just so you can get fully acquainted with the lab environment. We will be spending the rest of the semester learning Java.
  4. Play close attention to the syntax. Every Java instruction has to be written with proper punctuations as well as with consistent use of upper/lower case character combinations. When you type the program below, enter it exactly as it is listed.
  5. Make sure you enter your name in the NAME slot at the top of the program. Also, modify the SIGNATURE slot in the program (where it has Deepak's name),
  6. Try and do this exercise during one of the TA sessions so there will be some help available in case there are any difficulties.
  7. Once you are done with the exercise, hand in a printed (stapled) report that contains the following:
  8. Create a web page containing this applet. You may want to post your essay (see above) in this page as well. Upload this page to your web site and link it so it is accessible from your home page (or your CS110 page).

/* NAME : <your name here> PROJECT: Smiley Face/Sad face FILE : Smiley.java PURPOSE: Project#1 for CS110 DESCRIPTION: A simple applet that illustrates some of the basic drawing and event handling capabilities of Java. The applet contains two buttons, labeled, "Smile" and "Sad". Pressing the "Smile" button produces a smiley face, pressing the "Sad" button produces a sad face. */ import java.awt.*; import java.applet.Applet; import java.awt.event.*; public class Smiley extends Applet implements ActionListener { private boolean SMILE = true; private Font f = new Font("Helvetica", Font.PLAIN, 9); public void init() { // Define the GUI // The applet has a "Smile" button Button smileButton = new Button("Smile"); // create button add(smileButton); // add to applet's GUI smileButton.addActionListener(this); // register event listener // The applet has a "Sad" button Button sadButton = new Button("Sad"); add(sadButton); sadButton.addActionListener(this); // set initial background setBackground(Color.yellow); } // end of init public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // The event handler // Get the command (which button was pressed?) String cmd = e.getActionCommand(); if (cmd.equals("Smile")) { // "Smile" was pressed SMILE = true; setBackground(Color.yellow); repaint(); } else if (cmd.equals("Sad")) { // "Sad" SMILE = false; setBackground(Color.lightGray); repaint(); } } // end of actionPerformed public void paint( Graphics g ) { // Draw face g.drawOval(50, 75, 100, 100); // face g.drawLine(100, 110, 100, 130); // nose g.drawLine(70, 100, 90, 100); // left eye g.drawLine(110, 100, 130, 100); // right eye // Draw smiley or sad if (SMILE) { g.drawArc(70, 95, 60, 60, 225, 90); } else { g.drawArc(70, 145, 60, 60, 45, 90); } // SIGNATURE: Write signature g.setFont(f); g.drawString("Applet by Deepak.", 1, 199); } // end of paint } // end of class Smiley

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