CS 110 Introduction to Computing
Fall 2003

Project #3: Two Applets

Due in class on Wednesday, October 1, 2003

This project builds on the Self-protrait applet from Project#2. First, resize your applet so that it is 500x500 pixels. Next, add a slider to it so that its initial value is 100, and its range goes from 50 to 450. Your applet should draw the self-portrait centered in the applet. Its size should vary, as the slider is adjusted. Try the sample program below:

Remember to:

Post your applets in your own web page. Please do all project work on your own. You can discuss the projects with fellow classmates, but not at the level of sharing or discussing details of actual Java code segments. Feel free to discuss any and all details with the TA's and your prefessor.

Notes for both exercises

  1. Make sure you enter your name in the NAME slot at the top of the program text. Also, modify the SIGNATURE slot in the program.
  2. Once you are done with the exercise, hand in a printed (stapled) report that contains the following:

 A self-portrait with a slider
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class SelfPortrait extends Applet implements AdjustmentListener
   int x, y;                           // x and y coordinates of top-left corner of portrait
   int w = 100, h = 100;               // width & height of portrait             
   int appletW = 500, appletH = 500;   // width and height of the applet

   // GUI Widgets
   Scrollbar slider;
   public void init() {
      // Make GUI
      slider = new Scrollbar(Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL, w, 1, 50, 450);
   } // init
   public void paint(Graphics g) {
      // center the portrait in the applet
      x = (appletW - w) / 2;
      y = (appletH - h) / 2;
      h = w;
      drawMe(g, x, y, w, h);
   } // paint
   public void drawMe(Graphics g, int x, int y, int w, int h) {
      g.drawOval(x, y, w, h);	// face
      g.fillOval(x+w/2-w/20, y+h*3/4 - w/40, w/10, w/10); // mouth
      g.drawLine(x+w/2, y+w/2-h/10, x+w/2, y+w/2+h/10); // nose
      g.drawLine(x+w/2-w/5, y+w/2+h/10, x+w/2+w/5, y+w/2+h/10);
      g.drawLine(x+w/2-w/5, y+w/2+h/10, x+w/2, y+w/2-h/10);
      g.drawLine(x+w/4, y, x+w*3/4, y);
      g.fillRect(x+w/4-w/10, y+w/4-w/20, w/5, w/10);	// left eye
      g.fillRect(x+w*3/4-w/10, y+w/4-w/20, w/5, w/10);	// right eye
   } // drawMe
   public void adjustmentValueChanged(AdjustmentEvent e) {
      w = slider.getValue();
   } // adjustmentValueChanged
} // SelfPortrait

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