Bryn Mawr College
CS 110: Introduction to Computer Science
Fall 2004
Course Materials

Texts  Important Dates  Assignments  Lectures  Grading Links

General Information

Instructor: Geoffrey Towell , 246C Park Hall, 526-6503
E-Mail: gtowell at cs dot brynmawr dot edu

Lecture Hours: Tuesdays & Thursdays, 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm
Room: Park 243

Policy: For the month of September you must attend one of my lab hours each week. After September I will be in the lab during these hours, but attendance is not required. In addition to me, there will be student assistants in the lab for about 16 hours each week. If you have problems or questions, they are in the lab to help you. If your academic schedule precludes attending any of my lab hours, please come to my office and we will try to work something out.
Lab Hours:Monday 1:00 - 2:00 PM, Thursdays, 1:00 - 2:00PM, Tuesday 4:15-5:15
Lab Room: PC Lab Room 231 (Science Building)
Availability: The lab is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. During my hours, it is reserved for CS 110. There are times that the lab is reserved for other classes. To my knowledge, these times are:
Monday 7-9pm
Tuesday 11:30am - 1:00pm
During these times some computers may be available. Quiet work at available computers is allowed. However, instructors may make presentations in the lab at these times.
Laboratory Assistants:
Day Time Assistant name
Monday 10am - noon Sara
2-4pm Bumika
Tuesday 7:30-9:30 pm Ioana
Wednesday 10am-noon Sara
2-4pm Ioana
8-10pm Julia
Thursday noon-1pm Bumika
Friday noon-1pm Bumika
Sunday noon-2pm Julia

Texts & Software

Textbooks: Java for Students by Douglas Bell and Mike Parr, third edition 2002 (or later) from Prentice Hall. ISBN 0-13-032377-2.
Turing (A Novel About Computation) by Christos H. Papadimitriou from The MIT Press. ISBN: 0262162180
Getting Wired With Java: A Laboratory Manual for Introduction to Computer Science, by Deepak Kumar and Associates, Bryn Mawr College, Spring 2004. On-line.
Software: We will be using the Java programming language for all laboratory exercises. The labs will use the Java SDK installed on the Computer Science Linux cluster in Room 231.

Important Dates

August 31: First lecture
October 7: Midterm Here are some sample questions.
December 9: Last lecture
Final: TBA


Getting Printouts of Assignments

For the assignments, when I ask for printed examples, the only option you have had is to print one example per page. This seems wasteful. So, instead do the following:
  1. Make a copy of this html file. (I.e., go to this page then File menu, "Save Page as ...". I assume below that you saved it under the name printer.html
  2. Start your applet by putting the command
    appletviewer T.html &
    into a terminal window. (I assume that T.html is the name of the html file contiing your applet.)
  3. Get the applet looking line you want it for the first example.
  4. Enter into the terminal window the command
    import sample1.jpg
    Enter exactly this command
  5. click on the applet as per the norm when using display.
  6. For additional images, use the names sample2.jpg, smaple3.jpg, sample4.jpg, ... up to sample6.jpg
  7. In a browser, open the page printer.html
  8. Print the html page.
The printouts of code that result from hitting the print button in XEmacs are really ugly. So do not use the print button instead do the following:

Grades on Assignments

Click here to see stats about homework grading

Lab Work

Week starting September 6 Here
Week starting September 13 Here
Week starting September 20 Here
Week starting September 27 Here
Week starting October 18 Here

Planned Syllabus

1 Introduction: Linux, emacs, HTML, Appendix C, GWJL Ch 0, 1, 2
2 Intro to Java; Discuss Ch. 1 & 2; Homework 0
3 Discuss Ch. 3, 4; Project 1
4 Discuss Ch. 5, 6; Project 2
5 Ch. 7, 8 Textbook; Project 3
6 Review, Midterm Exam
8 review exam, discuss Ch. 9, 11, project 5
9 Discuss Objects and arrays, Discuss chapter 13, project 6
10 Two dimension arrays, Discuss ch 14, project 7
11 Discuss Ch 17, GWJL ch 3-10, Project 8
12 Discuss Turing, What is computer science?, Daleks, Project 9
13 More discussion of Turing, What is computer science? Daleks, Project 9 due
14 ch 10, 12, 15, 16; Project 10
15 Review, Project 11 (the full game of Daleks)



All graded work will receive a score out of 100. Guidelines of letter grades corresponding to lab/exam score levels will be given during the semester. At the end of the semester, a total score (to which the corresponding final grade is assigned) will be calculated from a weighted average of all scores according to the following weights:

Midterm 16%
Final: 24%
Labs: 54%
Classroom Participation: 6%
Total: 100%
