CS 110 -- Lab 1

NOTES: in the directions on this page, commands you should type appear in this font.
The primary goal of this lab session is to get started using the computers with which you will be working this semester. To that end, the first thing you will need is a username and password.  You should have put in an application of one in the first or second lecture.   If you did not, find me and get an application.  If you did, find me and get your account info.

Once you are logged in the first thing you should do is change your password
  1. Start a terminal window  click on the "red hat"  (in bottom left) , then select "system tools" then "terminal"
  2. A "terminal" window will appear.
  3. In that window, type: yppasswd and follow the directions (Note that you will not see any characters appear (or even dots) as you type passwords.)
Once you have changed your password, type exactly the following lines into the terminal window (hit return after each line):
mkdir html
chmod 777 html
chmod 771 .
mkdir -p .mozilla/plugins
cp /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2_05/jre/plugin/i386/ns610-gcc32/libjavaplugin_oji.so .mozilla/plugins

Leave the terminal window open, you will need it.

Now open a web browser by clicking on the globe icon immediately to the right of the red hat.  Go to Getting Wired With Java: A Laboratory Manual for Introduction to Computer Science (http://wiki.cs.brynmawr.edu/?GettingWiredWithJavaLinux) . The lab, and homework 1, mostly consists of following the directions in chapter 2 of "Getting Wired".

Do the entire homework assignment.

Some notes:
  1. If you continue to get error messages saying "access forbidden" when trying to load your new homepage enter the following command into the terminal window. Also, any time you get a message this message in the future:
           chmod -R 755 html
  2. To get a printout of a file, from within XEmacs click on the "print" icon.

Finnally, in the terminal window, hit the up arrow button.  Note that this gets you the command you previously typed.  This can be really helpful for getting programs compiled and tested.