Fortunately, using images and random numbers is relatively easy. In the remainder of this lab we will create an Applet that displays a image in a random location in the the applet window.
The instructions below ask several questions of you. Be sure that you understand the answers, but there is nothing to hand in.
<applet code=Images.class width=500 height=500> </applet>
import java.awt.*; import java.applet.Applet; public class Images extends Applet { public void paint(Graphics geoff) { int appX = (int)getSize().getWidth(); int appY = (int)getSize().getHeight(); geoff.setColor(; geoff.fillRect(0,0,appX, appY); geoff.setColor(Color.WHITE); geoff.fillRect(5,5,appX-10, appY-10); } } |
Image photo; public void init() { photo = getImage(getCodeBase(), "a.jpg"); } |
geoff.drawImage(photo, 5, 5, this); |
int xloc = (int)(5 + Math.random()* (appX-10-photo.getWidth(this))); int yloc = (int)(5 + Math.random()* (appY-10-photo.getHeight(this))); geoff.drawImage(photo, xloc, yloc, this); |